Celebrate Life with Jill Hosken

 Farewells - Funerals, Memorials & Life Celebrations

As a Funeral and (previous) Marriage Celebrant based in Bayside Melbourne, I am privileged to have been invited to assist hundreds of couples and families as they celebrate and mark significant occasions and transitions in their lives - be it marriages, vow renewals, namings or  funerals  and life celebration/memorials which I now specialise in assisting families with.

I have been connected to the Melbourne Bayside area all my life and have been very fortunate to be married to Pete for 48 years who has supported me as I pursued a number of careers culminating in this most rewarding and fulfilling role serving the community for the past 19 years as a Civil Celebrant.  

I am blessed to have two adult children who inspired me to keep following my path, even when it seemingly hit dead ends and it's been a joy to see them settled and growing in their lives with loving, supportive partners.  Over the past 13 years we have had the delight of welcoming and getting to spend time with our four very individual and precious  granddaughters who keep me on my toes.  Until a couple of years ago I was fortunate to have my 94 year old Mum in my life, and  in 2023 we were blessed with the birth of a healthy  grandson to add to the mix - so family is very important to me.  

I truly believe the ritual of ceremony is very valuable even in modern life - perhaps more so as it gives us the opportunity to be still in the busy-ness of life, to reflect and to acknowledge the importance of relationships, friends and family which are the foundation of our society. They also give us the opportunity to express joy, love and gratitude and to create a time for sharing  - be they welcomes, unions or farewells. 

Everyone has a story and I feel very privileged to gain an insight to the lives of so many at times of vulnerability and times of celebration - to accompany and support people as needed through a variety of transitions. 

An empathetic listener with an eye for detail and good sense of humour, I am told that my communication style is warm, compassionate and engaging.  

I am honoured to be able to work alongside individuals and families to help create personalised ceremonies that are remembered for the right reasons - I would love the opportunity to assist you!